Navigating Your First 90 Days in a New Job

You have followed my advice your first week and first month of work and you started understanding your new workplace. But this is just a beginning. Now it is important to keep the momentum and make the most of the foundation you built – the first 90 days are crucial to setting yourself up for success. Here’s how to make the most of your first 90 days in a new role.

Deepen Relationships

Building relationships is not just a task for the first weeks or only for social events. Relationship building is a key success factor in any role. Continue spending time getting to know your colleagues, managers, and subordinates. Understand their work styles, strengths, and challenges. Reach out for one-on-one meetings or casual coffee chats- make it a habit. This will help you create a strong network within the organization.

Take Ownership of Your Role

Now when you got an idea about your role and the business, it is time to start taking full ownership. Make sure that understand your responsibilities and expectations. Seek clarity on your role and establish your KPIs with your manager. This will provide a clear roadmap for your performance and deliverables.

Make Informed Changes

Hopefully, you resisted making hasty changes in the first month in your new role. The 90 days period should have given you a better understanding and allowed you to assess the situation. Make changes only after a full assessment and discussion with your team. Don’t rush, but don’t be scared to make decision either.

Secure Some “Small Wins”

In the first 90 days, try to secure some “small wins”. These are achievable goals that can demonstrate your abilities and build trust with your team. They also provide a boost to your confidence and create a positive impression.

Set Boundaries

This advice is universal at any stage: set boundaries. Have clear work hours and stick to them. This will ensure that you maintain a healthy work-life balance and prevent burnout. It also sets a precedent for how others will respect your time.

In conclusion, the first 90 days in a new role are crucial for laying the foundation for future success. By focusing on relationships, ownership, informed changes, small wins, and setting boundaries, you can set yourself up for a rewarding and successful tenure in your new role.